Cute as an Exploding Cupcake

May I introduce you to the newest member of our family... 

Princess Wilma the Beagle!

About a month ago, I marched into the local shelter-- Animal House-- and said, "Give me your gentlest, sweetest, most kid-friendly dog. Small but not too small. Playful but not pushy.  Cuddly but not slobbery...."  My demands went on for a while, and at the end of my little monologue, the woman at the desk said, 

"Wilma's the dog for you!"

And she is! She's perfect.  
(Well, we did discover a few minor imperfections, like wanting to be near us all the time, 
but we discovered those after falling in love with her.)

She's a rescue dog, about three years old, and we don't know much about her background except that she came from Arkansas.

Nope, those aren't real angel wings or fairy wings.... 
I was trying out her outfit for the Tour de Fat coming up in Ft Collins-- 
awesome, giant, zany-costume-filled bike parade that passes right by our house.

My Lil Dude is enamored of Wilma, utterly and completely.  He waxes poetic about her.
"Mommy!  Wilma's as cute as an exploding cupcake!"

(She is indeed as sweet as a cupcake... the exploding part comes with 6-year-old boy
 territory-- you know, explosions are just.... the bomb... for them, hehehe.  
The icing on the cake.  Anything is better with an explosion...

Hope these back-to-school days are treating you well!


P.S.  Boulder friends-- I'll be at the Boulder Bookstore on what's sure to be a lively panel with author buddies Jeannie Mobley, Melanie Crowder, and Jenny Goebel on THURS OCT 3, 2013 at 6:30. Come hang out with us!