Your Book-in-Progress Consultation 

with Author Laura Resau


About Your Consultation

Laura offers expert, tailored advice on the next steps to take for your manuscript for a picture book, middle grade, young adult, or adult book (fiction or non-fiction.) This will be most useful to you if you’ve already completed some or all of your manuscript (or, in the case of non-fiction, your proposal and sample chapters.) She gives clear, helpful feedback with a positive vibe!

Example topics you might want to discuss include trouble-shooting big-picture issues in your manuscript, structuring your book, strategizing agent submissions, figuring out the strongest way to pitch your book, making sure your vital first pages shine, crafting a captivating query, pitching your work, understanding the current market for your genre, deciding whether traditional or self-publishing options are best for you, or other issues at this point in your book-writing/publishing journey.

Package 1

Pick Laura’s Brain


 A one-hour consultation with Laura, either online, by phone, or in-person. Cost: $150


Package 2

Pick Laura’s Brain

& Get Written Feedback on Your Work


 You’ll get written feedback on your materials, tailored to your needs.

*   Laura will provide feedback on your agent query letter plus the first ten pages plus short synopsis (or outline or proposal.)


*   Laura will provide feedback on the first twenty-five pages of your manuscript plus synopsis (or outline or proposal.)


*   In the case of a picture book, Laura will provide feedback on the entire manuscript (under 2000 words) plus your agent query letter.

You’ll also get a one-hour consultation with Laura, either online, by phone, or in-person. This meeting is tailored to your specific needs and can come before or after she reviews and provides notes on your submitted materials, depending on your preference. Cost: $250

How to Book Your Consultation

 Email, subject “Book Consultation.” Please include:

* A brief description of your book project and what you’re looking to get out of the consultation, including your main questions and topics to cover.

* Your timeline and some days/times available for meeting about your book.

If you’d like to meet in person, Laura can meet you at a quiet coffee/tea house in Old Town, Fort Collins.  

Please note that Laura has limited spots available and will do her best to accommodate you!

Here you can find a downloadable and printable version of this information.

Here you can find a downloadable and printable Novel-Writing Tip Sheet with Laura’s top ten tips— especially useful as you’re revising your novel.

Here you can find a downloadable and printable Sticker Reward Chart to stay on track as you write your novel!